Saturday, 31 August 2013

First Week

First off, I have never had a blog before but I think it is going to be very important to keep one updated for my personal reflection and to the benefit of those that wish to follow what God is doing in my life. These upcoming sixth months are going to be a crazy and amazing journey with the Lord. I'm only one week in and God is already starting to show himself personally as well as in the community.

This past week we've been discussing the character of God. We had a speaker, Simon Smith, come in and go through the different aspects of God's character. From Jehovah Shalom (peace) to Jehovah Jireh (provision), I've discovered that God has every characteristic that we desire in our own lives. The one that God is teaching me now is peace.

This whole week everyone has been getting the same word. Peace. Peace while we are here. The whole group has been burning for more worship, more teaching and more fellowship but God is telling a lot of us that we don't need to strive for it. All we need is to abide in him and find peace in his rest.

If anyone is following me on this blog while I pursue God in Australia, I ask that you keep me in your prayers and that God continues to show me the peace that only comes from him.

I'll try to update my blog as often as I can! I'm going use this blog as a kind of public journal so all of you can follow me where I go physically and spiritually.

God bless from Australia!