Sunday, 27 October 2013

Weekly Journal #7

I've been able to update my blog while still out on the road! I hope this excites my readers as much as it does me. In all honesty, I've kind of missed keeping up on what God has been doing in my life.

God Time

I'm not going to lie, my God time hasn't been the best these past two weeks. Being on the road and constantly on the move has thrown a wrench in my ability to have a time set apart for God. I know it's something I need to grow in and get better at and over these past two weeks I definitely have. With the Pass it on Tour, we were staying constantly busy and starting early so the best time to have a quiet time was in the morning around 6:00. That in itself was a challenge to me, to get up that early! As soon as I was getting used to that setting, we packed up and left for Beaudesert with a completely different schedule! All in all, these past two weeks have been difficult for me to find a intimate time for God and I. Every time I am alone, God always reminds me of the church of Ephesus. "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first." I don't want to be evangelistic while forgetting my original love, that is Jesus. God time is one of the most important parts of my day and I need to make it a priority.

Filling the Gap

These past two weeks my team and I have filled the gap and interceded in more ways than just prayer. As the first week began, my team and I went on prayer walks around Tenterfield praying for families and the unity within. I personally set aside time to pray for the parks and recreational areas that the people of Tenterfield could go into them with a sense of belonging and peace. We also went into the schools and taught the Religion Education classes and made a connection with the students in the primary schools. These past two weeks have been very hands on!

Listening to God

I am now done with 9 of the psalms! It helps me in the morning with my quiet times to work with memorization because God speaks to me in the psalms every morning. There is so much more revelation when you meditate on them and actually let them sink into your utmost part. One of my favorite psalms from what I now know is psalm 8. It is very much praise to God and what He has done for us and what He has given us. So many times we're caught up in what God can do for us but we often forget that God is the God of the universe!! "When I consider your heavens the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him? And the son of man that you visit him?" Listening to God has been extremely vital these past two weeks as we have been constantly evangelizing through the smaller rural communities.

Life Application

This past week I definitely stepped outside of my comfort zone. I believe being a leader is living a life of being stretched. Constantly being put outside your comfort zone so that you can grow. During the Pass it on Tour, I was given the opportunity to speak during the youth night at the tent in Tenterfield. There were around 200-250 people there that night and they wanted me to speak! WHAT!? That was waaay too many people for me to speak in front of! I've never taken a communication class or read books on how to speak publicly! So I prayed about it...and God told me to do it...So I told them I would do it! What was I thinking!? I was only obeying what God had told me to do. When the moment came for me to speak, I was able to speak without any hesitation and I became bolder as I continued to speak. I was being led not by myself but by the Holy Spirit and the night opened itself up to an amazing night of ministry afterwards. I never want to be in a place where God gives me an opportunity and I say no because of what I want to do.

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