Hey Guys! This will be the last blog I'll be able to write before I hop on a plane and head to Malaysia and Indonesia for 6 weeks.
God Time
This past week, God has definitely refined me and brought me through a lot of character flaws that I never thought I had. It's been busy as we've been preparing for outreach and packing our belongings. I feel like this week, God time has been somewhat hindered and rushed. It may be because I've been worried and anxious, but I feel like I need to deliberately make sure I make enough time for our relationship.
God has let me know that as a team, we need to be deliberate and focused while we are in Malaysia and Indonesia. We need to know what we're doing and when we're doing it because there may be disunity that arises if we don't. Continue to intercede for us if you can because my prayer will be a daily thing to keep us unified and joyful.
Filling the Gap
I have been interceding for our team tremendously this past week. It's going to be a crazy adventure and I'm ready to take this path with 5 other members that I trust dearly. We've been extremely busy so honestly interceding has been a challenge this past week.
Listening to God
This past week God has really been speaking to me on behalf of my team. God has always gifted me with academics and I feel this week God has asked me to use my gift to help my team. I've already finished both my sermons, my testimonies, my workbook and my worship folder. There are others on my team that don't have the same gift I have so God has told me to help them with whatever needs to be done this week before we leave. It's been a lot of fun helping others to finish goals they've set for themselves.
Life Application
God has always been expanding my idea of Him but this week he has been blowing my mind wide open. I'm very excited and slightly anxious about how my perception of Him and my biblical worldview is going to be shattered these next 6 weeks. I am overjoyed with the people God has put in my life to make this vision a reality. I'm SO EXCITED!!!
Pray for a safe flight and the hand of God to guide our team through our outreach.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Malaysian Vision
Dear friends and family:
The time is quickly arriving when I will be flying into Malaysia for outreach. My team has been hard at work developing ourselves! We've been putting skits together, preparing worship, writing sermons and praying for the strongholds in Malaysia and Indonesia to come down. I would like to offer the opportunity to you to partner with us in this amazing adventure!
Our first two weeks will be in Indonesia working with the Living Waters Village. We will be serving in an orphanage spending time with the kids, spending New Year's and Christmas with them and sharing God's love. We will also be doing work projects, such as painting or building for the remainder of the time we have. After Living Waters Village, we will go to Pontianak.
Our next two weeks will be in Pontianak, Indonesia. We will be heavily involved with village ministry here. I feel like our team will be very influential in this area since we have had some experience in the small rural towns in Australia. Our main goal for the time we have in the village is to build relationship between the long and short term missionaries and the churches in that area.
We will spend our last two weeks in Kuching, Malaysia. There is a pioneered YWAM base there in need of external support to get off the ground and get moving. My team's vision is to see the Kuching YWAM base flourish and influence the entirety of the city. The leaders of the base in Kuching have let us know that we are arriving right in the middle of Malaysian revival. What an awesome time to reap what has been sown!
As far as prayer, we could always use some important and vital people to intercede for us and our time there. Don't underestimate the power of prayer because we don't! As far as financially, our team only has a deficit of $400 to make the trip possible. This is nothing for an abundant God and a willing people to see God move! If you feel led to partner with us in our vision working within Malaysia and Indonesia, please use the donate button at the top of the page.
Exodus 36:4-5 "So all the skilled workers who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left what they were doing and said to Moses, 'The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work of the Lord commanded to be done.'"
I'm blessed to serve a generous God and a generous people!
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Weekly Journal #7
I've been able to update my blog while still out on the road! I hope this excites my readers as much as it does me. In all honesty, I've kind of missed keeping up on what God has been doing in my life.
God Time
I'm not going to lie, my God time hasn't been the best these past two weeks. Being on the road and constantly on the move has thrown a wrench in my ability to have a time set apart for God. I know it's something I need to grow in and get better at and over these past two weeks I definitely have. With the Pass it on Tour, we were staying constantly busy and starting early so the best time to have a quiet time was in the morning around 6:00. That in itself was a challenge to me, to get up that early! As soon as I was getting used to that setting, we packed up and left for Beaudesert with a completely different schedule! All in all, these past two weeks have been difficult for me to find a intimate time for God and I. Every time I am alone, God always reminds me of the church of Ephesus. "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first." I don't want to be evangelistic while forgetting my original love, that is Jesus. God time is one of the most important parts of my day and I need to make it a priority.
Filling the Gap
These past two weeks my team and I have filled the gap and interceded in more ways than just prayer. As the first week began, my team and I went on prayer walks around Tenterfield praying for families and the unity within. I personally set aside time to pray for the parks and recreational areas that the people of Tenterfield could go into them with a sense of belonging and peace. We also went into the schools and taught the Religion Education classes and made a connection with the students in the primary schools. These past two weeks have been very hands on!
Listening to God
I am now done with 9 of the psalms! It helps me in the morning with my quiet times to work with memorization because God speaks to me in the psalms every morning. There is so much more revelation when you meditate on them and actually let them sink into your utmost part. One of my favorite psalms from what I now know is psalm 8. It is very much praise to God and what He has done for us and what He has given us. So many times we're caught up in what God can do for us but we often forget that God is the God of the universe!! "When I consider your heavens the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him? And the son of man that you visit him?" Listening to God has been extremely vital these past two weeks as we have been constantly evangelizing through the smaller rural communities.
Life Application
This past week I definitely stepped outside of my comfort zone. I believe being a leader is living a life of being stretched. Constantly being put outside your comfort zone so that you can grow. During the Pass it on Tour, I was given the opportunity to speak during the youth night at the tent in Tenterfield. There were around 200-250 people there that night and they wanted me to speak! WHAT!? That was waaay too many people for me to speak in front of! I've never taken a communication class or read books on how to speak publicly! So I prayed about it...and God told me to do it...So I told them I would do it! What was I thinking!? I was only obeying what God had told me to do. When the moment came for me to speak, I was able to speak without any hesitation and I became bolder as I continued to speak. I was being led not by myself but by the Holy Spirit and the night opened itself up to an amazing night of ministry afterwards. I never want to be in a place where God gives me an opportunity and I say no because of what I want to do.
God Time
I'm not going to lie, my God time hasn't been the best these past two weeks. Being on the road and constantly on the move has thrown a wrench in my ability to have a time set apart for God. I know it's something I need to grow in and get better at and over these past two weeks I definitely have. With the Pass it on Tour, we were staying constantly busy and starting early so the best time to have a quiet time was in the morning around 6:00. That in itself was a challenge to me, to get up that early! As soon as I was getting used to that setting, we packed up and left for Beaudesert with a completely different schedule! All in all, these past two weeks have been difficult for me to find a intimate time for God and I. Every time I am alone, God always reminds me of the church of Ephesus. "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first." I don't want to be evangelistic while forgetting my original love, that is Jesus. God time is one of the most important parts of my day and I need to make it a priority.
Filling the Gap
These past two weeks my team and I have filled the gap and interceded in more ways than just prayer. As the first week began, my team and I went on prayer walks around Tenterfield praying for families and the unity within. I personally set aside time to pray for the parks and recreational areas that the people of Tenterfield could go into them with a sense of belonging and peace. We also went into the schools and taught the Religion Education classes and made a connection with the students in the primary schools. These past two weeks have been very hands on!
Listening to God
I am now done with 9 of the psalms! It helps me in the morning with my quiet times to work with memorization because God speaks to me in the psalms every morning. There is so much more revelation when you meditate on them and actually let them sink into your utmost part. One of my favorite psalms from what I now know is psalm 8. It is very much praise to God and what He has done for us and what He has given us. So many times we're caught up in what God can do for us but we often forget that God is the God of the universe!! "When I consider your heavens the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him? And the son of man that you visit him?" Listening to God has been extremely vital these past two weeks as we have been constantly evangelizing through the smaller rural communities.
Life Application
This past week I definitely stepped outside of my comfort zone. I believe being a leader is living a life of being stretched. Constantly being put outside your comfort zone so that you can grow. During the Pass it on Tour, I was given the opportunity to speak during the youth night at the tent in Tenterfield. There were around 200-250 people there that night and they wanted me to speak! WHAT!? That was waaay too many people for me to speak in front of! I've never taken a communication class or read books on how to speak publicly! So I prayed about it...and God told me to do it...So I told them I would do it! What was I thinking!? I was only obeying what God had told me to do. When the moment came for me to speak, I was able to speak without any hesitation and I became bolder as I continued to speak. I was being led not by myself but by the Holy Spirit and the night opened itself up to an amazing night of ministry afterwards. I never want to be in a place where God gives me an opportunity and I say no because of what I want to do.
Friday, 11 October 2013
Weekly Journal #6
Disclaimer: I apologize if this week's blog is shorter due to an immense load and busy schedule as to prepare for the Pass it On tour that I leave for tomorrow morning! I won't be able to update my blog for 3 weeks unfortunately! We will be busy in the rural towns of Australia spreading the light!
God Time
Wow! I thought last week was intense with mission simulation! If last week was intense, then this week has been outstandingly insane! God has definitely been revealing what His vision is for me in the near and distant future. I'm starting to realize that God has already given me the gifts and tools I need to have to complete my calling. So far God has told me that 1) I need to start walking out as a leader 2) I need to develop a heart like the best worshiper of all time, David, and 3) that He wants me to start learning and seeking more into music theory! The last one is new so I'm really excited to see why God wants me to become more knowledgeable in music theory! I ask you pray for me that I have revelation and God reveals why he wants to sharpen my mind in this area!
Filling the Gap
Hmm, this has been a difficult one this week. We had Hannah Lenz speak on worship earlier this week and she touched on the topic of corporate worship. She brought up that in corporate worship, we are to edify and prophesy over one another and to worship corporately. She raised the problem a lot of us face though. If you hear a word from God, you have to ask, "Is it for me? Someone else? When am I supposed to tell them? AM I supposed to tell them or just intercede?" I have been interceding this week for the YWAM family that they have that discretion and understanding that Joseph lacked. Joseph may have heard God correctly and may have been chosen by God but without discretion, his prophesy brought negativity and destruction to his family.
Additionally, if any of you want to intercede for me or my school this week I would be so thankful if you could pray for us on the Pass it On tour! We need prayer more than anything. We need to bring the light to the dark parts of Australia and your prayers are our fuel. No prayer is unheard and I am already thankful for what God is going to break through these next three weeks on the road.
Listening to God
If any of you are wondering, I am still continuing with my memorization of the psalms. As of this week, I have 1-7 memorized and God has already spoken through all of them so much. I now understand the full impact of knowing God's word! Not just reading it or skimming it but actually KNOWING it. It's like if you want to paint a picture to God, you have a blank canvas and a couple colors at the start. Over time, with discipline, you can start to add in more pencils, more shading, more dimensions just by enhancing your knowledge of the word and the tools to use to communicate with God! Just as my English gets better by speaking it, my language to God gets stronger as I continue to know what He's said. And when He speaks is it powerful!
Life Application
Well it's 11:53 PM on Friday night, eleventh of October and I have never expected myself to be where I am at right now. Outside, sitting on the stone next to the clothes hanging on the line, gazing at the stars while conversation of trivial and theological things take place behind me, writing a blog to family and friends that have always believed in me. I AM BLESSED! My outreach team went to a youth group this evening to fellowship and worship with middle schoolers and high schoolers! How cool is that? To share life with a couple of beautifully created Aussie teenagers! I just never imagined that my life would be here. I am so thankful and overwhelmed by the gratitude I have for all of those who believed in me and have supported me through all of this. Thank you
Once Again! I apologize if I don't update my blog in a while! I will be on the road for a prolonged duration and won't have access to internet where I'm going. I love you all!
God Time
Wow! I thought last week was intense with mission simulation! If last week was intense, then this week has been outstandingly insane! God has definitely been revealing what His vision is for me in the near and distant future. I'm starting to realize that God has already given me the gifts and tools I need to have to complete my calling. So far God has told me that 1) I need to start walking out as a leader 2) I need to develop a heart like the best worshiper of all time, David, and 3) that He wants me to start learning and seeking more into music theory! The last one is new so I'm really excited to see why God wants me to become more knowledgeable in music theory! I ask you pray for me that I have revelation and God reveals why he wants to sharpen my mind in this area!
Filling the Gap
Hmm, this has been a difficult one this week. We had Hannah Lenz speak on worship earlier this week and she touched on the topic of corporate worship. She brought up that in corporate worship, we are to edify and prophesy over one another and to worship corporately. She raised the problem a lot of us face though. If you hear a word from God, you have to ask, "Is it for me? Someone else? When am I supposed to tell them? AM I supposed to tell them or just intercede?" I have been interceding this week for the YWAM family that they have that discretion and understanding that Joseph lacked. Joseph may have heard God correctly and may have been chosen by God but without discretion, his prophesy brought negativity and destruction to his family.
Additionally, if any of you want to intercede for me or my school this week I would be so thankful if you could pray for us on the Pass it On tour! We need prayer more than anything. We need to bring the light to the dark parts of Australia and your prayers are our fuel. No prayer is unheard and I am already thankful for what God is going to break through these next three weeks on the road.
Listening to God
If any of you are wondering, I am still continuing with my memorization of the psalms. As of this week, I have 1-7 memorized and God has already spoken through all of them so much. I now understand the full impact of knowing God's word! Not just reading it or skimming it but actually KNOWING it. It's like if you want to paint a picture to God, you have a blank canvas and a couple colors at the start. Over time, with discipline, you can start to add in more pencils, more shading, more dimensions just by enhancing your knowledge of the word and the tools to use to communicate with God! Just as my English gets better by speaking it, my language to God gets stronger as I continue to know what He's said. And when He speaks is it powerful!
Life Application
Well it's 11:53 PM on Friday night, eleventh of October and I have never expected myself to be where I am at right now. Outside, sitting on the stone next to the clothes hanging on the line, gazing at the stars while conversation of trivial and theological things take place behind me, writing a blog to family and friends that have always believed in me. I AM BLESSED! My outreach team went to a youth group this evening to fellowship and worship with middle schoolers and high schoolers! How cool is that? To share life with a couple of beautifully created Aussie teenagers! I just never imagined that my life would be here. I am so thankful and overwhelmed by the gratitude I have for all of those who believed in me and have supported me through all of this. Thank you
Once Again! I apologize if I don't update my blog in a while! I will be on the road for a prolonged duration and won't have access to internet where I'm going. I love you all!
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Weekly Journal #5
God Time
This past week has been a crazy ride! They definitely keep us busy here in Brisbane! We had one day of relaxation before the school put us through an awesome but extremely tiring mission simulation. We boarded a virtual plane to a made up country to work as an outreach team. The volunteers go to great lengths to make it very realistic for us. It was an intense journey! From teaching an English lesson to illiterate children or bartering in the marketplace for a better price or shoveling down waaay too much food to not offend our home family to sleeping on a tarp with three sleeping bags split between six of us, we had a crazy ride. It was a difficult but extremely rewarding experience.
Basically, my God time was a little less this week as it was very busy unfortunately. Once the week began and we started our Lordship section with Mark Parker, I was able to get back into my routine of quiet time with Jesus in the mornings and spending more time showering in living water every morning.
Filling the Gap
As we have been progressing through this week, many people (including myself) are being fed a handful by Mark Parker on Lordship. This man is truly a man that doesn't care what others think of him! He's not afraid of being truthfully offensive. He cuts to the chase and his words are sharpened with the spirit to cut off any heart issue any one of us may be having.
I've honestly just been interceding for my classmates! I've been praying that pride, independence or rebellion not be an issue and that they can see that Mark is doing what he knows needs to be done. Tomorrow is a big day as we are preparing our minds and hearts for a mock tabernacle participation. Giving the Lord what He is due is not easy and I pray for everyone of my classmates.
Listening to God
This week there was a very impressionable time when I heard God speak to me.
The first time was just last night when we had a night of corporate worship. I was given the awesome opportunity to play the keyboard to facilitate worship and let me tell you, the Holy Spirit was tangible. If I could bottle what happened in that room last night, the world would be so different! There was such a supernatural joy and excitement that it couldn't be of this world. Nothing in this world provides that much peace, that much freedom, that much worth. In the quietness of my heart, God spoke. "This is only a drop of what heaven has to offer. Tonight you bring heaven to earth but there will be a time when I bring you, on earth, to heaven." I hope this encourages a lot of you! It definitely has me.
Life Application
In a previous post I said that I was beginning to be given a heart like David. Well God has definitely been showing me extremely practical ways to start transforming. I believe He has told me I am to memorize parts of the bible. To be exact, God has told me to memorize the Psalms. I know... I thought the same thing! But all I am to do is obey and lean on God's strength, not my own. I'm very pleased to say that as of today, I have memorized four psalms already.
It has been extremely practical and helpful to know just four psalms. From moments of worship when I can quote a psalm when my words fail me, to speaking life into people by declaring what God has to say, I am beginning to understand just the tip of the iceberg. I feel God is going to use these psalms in mighty ways in my life!
I hope everyone is doing well back home and I pray for a constant renewing of your mind. Grace is sufficient for today, walk in that.
This past week has been a crazy ride! They definitely keep us busy here in Brisbane! We had one day of relaxation before the school put us through an awesome but extremely tiring mission simulation. We boarded a virtual plane to a made up country to work as an outreach team. The volunteers go to great lengths to make it very realistic for us. It was an intense journey! From teaching an English lesson to illiterate children or bartering in the marketplace for a better price or shoveling down waaay too much food to not offend our home family to sleeping on a tarp with three sleeping bags split between six of us, we had a crazy ride. It was a difficult but extremely rewarding experience.
Basically, my God time was a little less this week as it was very busy unfortunately. Once the week began and we started our Lordship section with Mark Parker, I was able to get back into my routine of quiet time with Jesus in the mornings and spending more time showering in living water every morning.
Filling the Gap
As we have been progressing through this week, many people (including myself) are being fed a handful by Mark Parker on Lordship. This man is truly a man that doesn't care what others think of him! He's not afraid of being truthfully offensive. He cuts to the chase and his words are sharpened with the spirit to cut off any heart issue any one of us may be having.
I've honestly just been interceding for my classmates! I've been praying that pride, independence or rebellion not be an issue and that they can see that Mark is doing what he knows needs to be done. Tomorrow is a big day as we are preparing our minds and hearts for a mock tabernacle participation. Giving the Lord what He is due is not easy and I pray for everyone of my classmates.
Listening to God
This week there was a very impressionable time when I heard God speak to me.
The first time was just last night when we had a night of corporate worship. I was given the awesome opportunity to play the keyboard to facilitate worship and let me tell you, the Holy Spirit was tangible. If I could bottle what happened in that room last night, the world would be so different! There was such a supernatural joy and excitement that it couldn't be of this world. Nothing in this world provides that much peace, that much freedom, that much worth. In the quietness of my heart, God spoke. "This is only a drop of what heaven has to offer. Tonight you bring heaven to earth but there will be a time when I bring you, on earth, to heaven." I hope this encourages a lot of you! It definitely has me.
Life Application
In a previous post I said that I was beginning to be given a heart like David. Well God has definitely been showing me extremely practical ways to start transforming. I believe He has told me I am to memorize parts of the bible. To be exact, God has told me to memorize the Psalms. I know... I thought the same thing! But all I am to do is obey and lean on God's strength, not my own. I'm very pleased to say that as of today, I have memorized four psalms already.
It has been extremely practical and helpful to know just four psalms. From moments of worship when I can quote a psalm when my words fail me, to speaking life into people by declaring what God has to say, I am beginning to understand just the tip of the iceberg. I feel God is going to use these psalms in mighty ways in my life!
I hope everyone is doing well back home and I pray for a constant renewing of your mind. Grace is sufficient for today, walk in that.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Weekly Journal #4
God Time
Our school went on a road trip this week! We went to Rainbow Beach and spent time on the beach, on the dunes and in the shops. It was a great time to experience God through his awesome creation. And it was just that...AWESOME. I was in awe of what he has created! At night, the stars were illuminated the tide and graced the sky. The Milky Way was clearly visible as it stretched across the sky to the horizon. Watching the stars while lying on the beach as the tide was rolling in was a once in a lifetime experience. But on the opposite side of the experience were the extremely dry and vast sand dunes. The sand was so hot that it was almost too hot to step on! There was a location where we spent time sledding down the dunes like I would back home in the snow. The sand flowed like water down the hill as it cascaded like a waterfall.
God has definitely shown me he is an awesome creator this week! I'm excited for what else he has to show me in these upcoming weeks with his creation!
Psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Filling the Gap
While at the beach this week and being constantly and involuntarily intertwined with the family workings of the campers around us, God has reached into my heart to keep the families of Australia in prayer.Families that don't have Jesus to lean on in times of trouble have a much harder time trying to deal with the problems that every family can deal with. Whether it is personal intercession for the families that don't know Jesus or personally being a light and keeping a positive conversation with them going throughout the week, I have had a distinct heart for the families.
Listening to God
I recently have adopted a method of listening to God by keeping a journal of when he speaks. This past week he spoke to me and told me that he would never help me push.
Let me explain...
God told me that I've always lowered myself so that I can lift others up. So that I can push others closer to Him. But what He wants from me is that I remain in Him and that I lift others up to where I am. God will always help me pull but he will never help me push. It was a very big revelation that He revealed to me. Although it may sound small or not very important, this very aspect could change my entire relationship with God and how I perceive myself and others through Christ.
Life Application
I plan to bring everything that I've learned this week back home with me. To witness God's creation and to listen to the voice of all that He has created proclaiming the creativity and the glory of the creator. I really want to take more time out of my life to put myself in places and situations where I can experience the glory of the creator through the creation! How amazing an experience to have the stars singing as a chorus of lights and the moon as an ensemble of luminescence!
Our school went on a road trip this week! We went to Rainbow Beach and spent time on the beach, on the dunes and in the shops. It was a great time to experience God through his awesome creation. And it was just that...AWESOME. I was in awe of what he has created! At night, the stars were illuminated the tide and graced the sky. The Milky Way was clearly visible as it stretched across the sky to the horizon. Watching the stars while lying on the beach as the tide was rolling in was a once in a lifetime experience. But on the opposite side of the experience were the extremely dry and vast sand dunes. The sand was so hot that it was almost too hot to step on! There was a location where we spent time sledding down the dunes like I would back home in the snow. The sand flowed like water down the hill as it cascaded like a waterfall.
God has definitely shown me he is an awesome creator this week! I'm excited for what else he has to show me in these upcoming weeks with his creation!
Psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Filling the Gap
While at the beach this week and being constantly and involuntarily intertwined with the family workings of the campers around us, God has reached into my heart to keep the families of Australia in prayer.Families that don't have Jesus to lean on in times of trouble have a much harder time trying to deal with the problems that every family can deal with. Whether it is personal intercession for the families that don't know Jesus or personally being a light and keeping a positive conversation with them going throughout the week, I have had a distinct heart for the families.
Listening to God
I recently have adopted a method of listening to God by keeping a journal of when he speaks. This past week he spoke to me and told me that he would never help me push.
Let me explain...
God told me that I've always lowered myself so that I can lift others up. So that I can push others closer to Him. But what He wants from me is that I remain in Him and that I lift others up to where I am. God will always help me pull but he will never help me push. It was a very big revelation that He revealed to me. Although it may sound small or not very important, this very aspect could change my entire relationship with God and how I perceive myself and others through Christ.
Life Application
I plan to bring everything that I've learned this week back home with me. To witness God's creation and to listen to the voice of all that He has created proclaiming the creativity and the glory of the creator. I really want to take more time out of my life to put myself in places and situations where I can experience the glory of the creator through the creation! How amazing an experience to have the stars singing as a chorus of lights and the moon as an ensemble of luminescence!
Monday, 16 September 2013
Weekly Journal #3
God Time
This whole week has been good. We had a lot going on but it was just enough to keep me busy without pushing me to stress. Our lectures this week were split between hearing the voice of God and personal intercession. It was good to have the two subjects paired together because you could see how the two correlate and support each other individually.
In my personal time with God this week I've been working on trying to just enjoy being in the presence of God without having to feel like I need to speak. Sometimes just having someone else in a room with you without a word being spoken can grow a relationship. Now that I've been slowly hearing and understanding God's voice, I've become more content to just sit in silence and enjoy his presence. If I can't hear anything, that's fine with me, I'll just enjoy my time with Him until I can start to hear.
Filling the Gap
This past week I've been constantly praying for my outreach team. I have had no idea who was on my team but God has kept them on my heart to intercede and pray for. I've been praying for my team to be constantly praying for determination, vigilance and direction. Tonight was the night when the big reveal came as well!
For those who don't know yet, I am in a group of six headed for Malaysia and Indonesia for close to two months to evangelize and outreach in the communities. It was very exciting to reveal who was going in each group and I believe God has handpicked us individually to be the best possible team for this location. I'm beyond blessed to spend my outreach with these amazing people and I will continue to pray for my team.
Listening to God
During our community intercession this week, the group I was in was convinced we should pray for the Pass It On Tour. If you don't know what that is, Here it is! Basically, we are going to be going through small rural communities and spreading the gospel to all we encounter! We're going to be generating a wake of light.
God was telling the group an encouraging word that effects of our work are going to be lasting. That what we do on the Pass it On tour is going to make a lasting impact in multiple communities. I only pray that I am clean and worthy enough to be used as an instrument to conduct God's flowing glory through the countryside these coming weeks! I'm excited on a natural level but I'm ecstatic on a supernatural level!
Life Application
God has been teaching me this week that he isn't always tangible in the way we'd like to think he is. How weird would a relationship be if we required our friend to only speak to us in a specific way at a specific time in a specific place. When your friend speaks, they speak and you listen. Our problem is the listening part. God is always trying to speak to us but our job is only to listen and we can't even do that right! Now that I'm learning to shut up and listen, I can actually start to hear God! How strange that if you stop talking, the other person can actually speak! I'm excited for what He has to tell me!
This whole week has been good. We had a lot going on but it was just enough to keep me busy without pushing me to stress. Our lectures this week were split between hearing the voice of God and personal intercession. It was good to have the two subjects paired together because you could see how the two correlate and support each other individually.
In my personal time with God this week I've been working on trying to just enjoy being in the presence of God without having to feel like I need to speak. Sometimes just having someone else in a room with you without a word being spoken can grow a relationship. Now that I've been slowly hearing and understanding God's voice, I've become more content to just sit in silence and enjoy his presence. If I can't hear anything, that's fine with me, I'll just enjoy my time with Him until I can start to hear.
Filling the Gap
This past week I've been constantly praying for my outreach team. I have had no idea who was on my team but God has kept them on my heart to intercede and pray for. I've been praying for my team to be constantly praying for determination, vigilance and direction. Tonight was the night when the big reveal came as well!
For those who don't know yet, I am in a group of six headed for Malaysia and Indonesia for close to two months to evangelize and outreach in the communities. It was very exciting to reveal who was going in each group and I believe God has handpicked us individually to be the best possible team for this location. I'm beyond blessed to spend my outreach with these amazing people and I will continue to pray for my team.
Listening to God
During our community intercession this week, the group I was in was convinced we should pray for the Pass It On Tour. If you don't know what that is, Here it is! Basically, we are going to be going through small rural communities and spreading the gospel to all we encounter! We're going to be generating a wake of light.
God was telling the group an encouraging word that effects of our work are going to be lasting. That what we do on the Pass it On tour is going to make a lasting impact in multiple communities. I only pray that I am clean and worthy enough to be used as an instrument to conduct God's flowing glory through the countryside these coming weeks! I'm excited on a natural level but I'm ecstatic on a supernatural level!
Life Application
God has been teaching me this week that he isn't always tangible in the way we'd like to think he is. How weird would a relationship be if we required our friend to only speak to us in a specific way at a specific time in a specific place. When your friend speaks, they speak and you listen. Our problem is the listening part. God is always trying to speak to us but our job is only to listen and we can't even do that right! Now that I'm learning to shut up and listen, I can actually start to hear God! How strange that if you stop talking, the other person can actually speak! I'm excited for what He has to tell me!
Monday, 9 September 2013
Weekly Journal #2
God Time
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Psalm 23:1 NKJV
This past week God has been giving me insight into the life of David. David was called apart, he was called to lead. During lectures this past week or even just talking with people on base, David kept popping into my head. Especially his famous psalm 23. He was so close-knit to God that he could write about it in multiple ways and not grow weary. If you haven't read psalm 23 in a while, I encourage you to go read it and perceive it through the eyes of David. As one king bows down to another.
During quiet times with God, He would reveal David's heart to me little by little. David was a mighty warrior, a magnificent king but also a masterful worshiper. I know God has given me a heart like David's. I have a heart to break for what breaks God's. I'm learning to get excited when He gets excited and to mourn when He mourns. I only ask that he reveals it to me more and more over these next couple months. It will only happen as I spend more time with him like a son spends time with his father.
Filling the Gap
"But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14 NKJV
My heart has been heavy this week with everything that has been going on in Syria. Today we led an intercessory prayer for Syria and everyone involved. We were going to pray for different subjects and different topics depending on what the Holy Spirit was laying on our hearts. If you are unaware of what's going on here is a link describing it.
Syrian Problems
God broke my heart for the Syrian children. I mourned for the death of at least 426 children that didn't even have a part in any of the violence. I looked into His face and saw tears running down His face. I was BROKEN for these children as Christ was. In my disheveled state while interceding for the country, God showed me the children. I saw all of them, all 426 of them. I saw them dancing and singing before the throne. I saw them in such a state of excitement and peace that I began to laugh and/or cry out loud in the middle of intercession. God has given me compassion for children, He has just dropped it in my lap since I've been here. I pray that He shows me His heart for children more and more each and every day.
Listening to God
"For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called." 1 Corinthians 1:26 NKJV
I'm going to be totally transparent and open with all of you. I've never seen myself as a leader. I've always been introverted and insecure about who I am. Back home there has been multiple occasions from multiple people telling me in multiple ways that I'm going to be a leader. I've always heard it but never accepted. I've always listened but never believed.
Until now...
Last Thursday we had community worship. I was just resting in the presence of peace when someone came up to me. They said they felt God was telling them to tell me something He had placed on their heart. After a brief exchange they told me God has called me to be a leader in such a time as this. After they left, I began to battle with myself. I became overwhelmed and slightly frustrated with God's idea of communication.
"I've heard this before God but it doesn't change the fact that I don't believe you."
Within 5 minutes, someone else approached me with another word. They felt God's word for me was that I'm here now, I'm not the same person I was back home. Their words exactly.."I don't know if you were shy or insecure back home but God says that's not who you are. He is calling you out of that." At this point I'm starting to understand what God is doing within me. This is a new season in my life.
"Okay God, I'm starting to see how you want me to understand this. But maybe you could give me just one more word?"
At this point I'm just curious if he will. I'm wondering if he will actually answer me and show me without a shadow of a doubt that he has called me to be a leader. Unfortunately no one approached me. I was slightly disappointed but honestly not too much. But just in that moment, God reminded me. I had received a piece of paper from someone earlier that morning that they felt they needed to give to me. I went over to my bible, pulled it out, opened it up and read it. "Because of your heart so full of love and humility, your ears that are always so attentive to what I'm saying, and your eyes that are always looking for the good in people, I have chosen you to be a mighty leader."
"This cannot be coincidence. Okay, I see it now. I'll trust you God. The only way I can lead others is if I can follow you. Show me."
Life Application
"Let us make man in Our image." Genesis 1:26 NKJV
God has shown me that he is our father. I've grown up in the church and known that God is my father but to what extent? I use the word but don't know the meaning. I submit to the King but don't know the Father's love. Chris Twinn, our speaker this week, lead us through a rigorous week of what it means to be a son and a daughter of Christ. We are legitimately made in likeness of God. Although I love my earthly father very much, I was knit together by my heavenly Father. I give him all of my love and he has nothing but love in return.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Psalm 23:1 NKJV
This past week God has been giving me insight into the life of David. David was called apart, he was called to lead. During lectures this past week or even just talking with people on base, David kept popping into my head. Especially his famous psalm 23. He was so close-knit to God that he could write about it in multiple ways and not grow weary. If you haven't read psalm 23 in a while, I encourage you to go read it and perceive it through the eyes of David. As one king bows down to another.
During quiet times with God, He would reveal David's heart to me little by little. David was a mighty warrior, a magnificent king but also a masterful worshiper. I know God has given me a heart like David's. I have a heart to break for what breaks God's. I'm learning to get excited when He gets excited and to mourn when He mourns. I only ask that he reveals it to me more and more over these next couple months. It will only happen as I spend more time with him like a son spends time with his father.
Filling the Gap
"But Jesus said, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14 NKJV
My heart has been heavy this week with everything that has been going on in Syria. Today we led an intercessory prayer for Syria and everyone involved. We were going to pray for different subjects and different topics depending on what the Holy Spirit was laying on our hearts. If you are unaware of what's going on here is a link describing it.
Syrian Problems
God broke my heart for the Syrian children. I mourned for the death of at least 426 children that didn't even have a part in any of the violence. I looked into His face and saw tears running down His face. I was BROKEN for these children as Christ was. In my disheveled state while interceding for the country, God showed me the children. I saw all of them, all 426 of them. I saw them dancing and singing before the throne. I saw them in such a state of excitement and peace that I began to laugh and/or cry out loud in the middle of intercession. God has given me compassion for children, He has just dropped it in my lap since I've been here. I pray that He shows me His heart for children more and more each and every day.
Listening to God
"For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called." 1 Corinthians 1:26 NKJV
I'm going to be totally transparent and open with all of you. I've never seen myself as a leader. I've always been introverted and insecure about who I am. Back home there has been multiple occasions from multiple people telling me in multiple ways that I'm going to be a leader. I've always heard it but never accepted. I've always listened but never believed.
Until now...
Last Thursday we had community worship. I was just resting in the presence of peace when someone came up to me. They said they felt God was telling them to tell me something He had placed on their heart. After a brief exchange they told me God has called me to be a leader in such a time as this. After they left, I began to battle with myself. I became overwhelmed and slightly frustrated with God's idea of communication.
"I've heard this before God but it doesn't change the fact that I don't believe you."
Within 5 minutes, someone else approached me with another word. They felt God's word for me was that I'm here now, I'm not the same person I was back home. Their words exactly.."I don't know if you were shy or insecure back home but God says that's not who you are. He is calling you out of that." At this point I'm starting to understand what God is doing within me. This is a new season in my life.
"Okay God, I'm starting to see how you want me to understand this. But maybe you could give me just one more word?"
At this point I'm just curious if he will. I'm wondering if he will actually answer me and show me without a shadow of a doubt that he has called me to be a leader. Unfortunately no one approached me. I was slightly disappointed but honestly not too much. But just in that moment, God reminded me. I had received a piece of paper from someone earlier that morning that they felt they needed to give to me. I went over to my bible, pulled it out, opened it up and read it. "Because of your heart so full of love and humility, your ears that are always so attentive to what I'm saying, and your eyes that are always looking for the good in people, I have chosen you to be a mighty leader."
"This cannot be coincidence. Okay, I see it now. I'll trust you God. The only way I can lead others is if I can follow you. Show me."
Life Application
"Let us make man in Our image." Genesis 1:26 NKJV
God has shown me that he is our father. I've grown up in the church and known that God is my father but to what extent? I use the word but don't know the meaning. I submit to the King but don't know the Father's love. Chris Twinn, our speaker this week, lead us through a rigorous week of what it means to be a son and a daughter of Christ. We are legitimately made in likeness of God. Although I love my earthly father very much, I was knit together by my heavenly Father. I give him all of my love and he has nothing but love in return.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Weekly Journal # 1
God Time
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 NIV
What is a word?
This past week I've been studying in the gospel of John. John is so set apart in his gospel that it doesn't even collaborate with the other gospels. If we want to get technical, the first three, Matthew, Mark and Luke are considered the synoptics because they all collaborate together while John does not. Today in lectures, our speaker made a point that John was a Jew and knew that to start his gospel with "In the beginning" was a statement into itself that testifies to Jesus.
This past week, while studying John, I came to the revelation of Jesus being the Word. It didn't matter how many chapters of John I had read or what subject I was contemplating, John 1:1 kept returning to my mind. So I looked into what a word is and started to dive into the meaning of what it is.
John Locke once wrote that the use of words "is to be sensible marks of ideas." If we truly look into what a word is, it's used as an outward expression to communicate an inner desire. So for John to refer as Jesus as the Word, he is referring to Jesus as God's physical expression to communicate his inner desire.
Filling the Gap
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do." ~Mother Teresa~
This past week I feel like I've been having more and more compassion for just random strangers on the bus or the train. When Jacob and I went down to Loganlea via train to watch Jeff play football, we struck up a conversation with two guys on the bus that looked like they were completely caught up in the "gimme" mentality. One of the guys told us the sweater he just bought in the city cost $220 and was proud of it. God has been opening my eyes to people like this.
Everyone has a story to tell but most of them don't have a happy ending and to be honest, some aren't even interesting. But I've been finding myself praying for more and more random strangers that I haven't even met or even said hello to. Like Mother Teresa said, a simple smile goes a long way. But I'd like to add that a simple prayer with that smile goes even farther.
Listening to God
"Sometimes we have to stop talking so that we can listen." ~Me~
One thing that I've been doing a lot of these past two weeks is taking a quiet time with God. It's something I've never really done but it's something that is revitalizing my relationship with God daily. I have moments when I will just sit in silence and wait for him to speak. One of the staff, Jeff, made a great suggestion last week during bible study. He suggested that during a quiet time with God, use your imagination to bring you to a place where you can have a face to face conversation with Jesus. Whether you have a conversation with Him over coffee in a local coffee shop with small talk happening in the background or in the Swiss Alps surrounded by pure white snow, Jesus will meet with you there.
During my conversations, he's been constantly telling me he is proud of me. He understands what I left to get here in Australia but this is where he wants me to be. I don't want to have to wait a month into my DTS to acknowledge this. I know without doubt that God has placed me here, at this specific time, with these specific people to cultivate a culture of holiness in a dark and desolate time.
Life Application
"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." ~Psalm 29:11~
When we had Simon Smith teaching last week about the character and nature of God, he gave us many names for God. The one that has been sticking with me is Jehovah Shalom. I'm excited to spend more and more time in quiet time with God. I know that a culture of peace is something that this world needs. Jesus has more than enough and he just needs us to demonstrate and spread His peace. I'm ready for God to purify me and use me as a tool to spread this peace he has given me.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 NIV
What is a word?
This past week I've been studying in the gospel of John. John is so set apart in his gospel that it doesn't even collaborate with the other gospels. If we want to get technical, the first three, Matthew, Mark and Luke are considered the synoptics because they all collaborate together while John does not. Today in lectures, our speaker made a point that John was a Jew and knew that to start his gospel with "In the beginning" was a statement into itself that testifies to Jesus.
This past week, while studying John, I came to the revelation of Jesus being the Word. It didn't matter how many chapters of John I had read or what subject I was contemplating, John 1:1 kept returning to my mind. So I looked into what a word is and started to dive into the meaning of what it is.
John Locke once wrote that the use of words "is to be sensible marks of ideas." If we truly look into what a word is, it's used as an outward expression to communicate an inner desire. So for John to refer as Jesus as the Word, he is referring to Jesus as God's physical expression to communicate his inner desire.
Filling the Gap
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do." ~Mother Teresa~
This past week I feel like I've been having more and more compassion for just random strangers on the bus or the train. When Jacob and I went down to Loganlea via train to watch Jeff play football, we struck up a conversation with two guys on the bus that looked like they were completely caught up in the "gimme" mentality. One of the guys told us the sweater he just bought in the city cost $220 and was proud of it. God has been opening my eyes to people like this.
Everyone has a story to tell but most of them don't have a happy ending and to be honest, some aren't even interesting. But I've been finding myself praying for more and more random strangers that I haven't even met or even said hello to. Like Mother Teresa said, a simple smile goes a long way. But I'd like to add that a simple prayer with that smile goes even farther.
Listening to God
"Sometimes we have to stop talking so that we can listen." ~Me~
One thing that I've been doing a lot of these past two weeks is taking a quiet time with God. It's something I've never really done but it's something that is revitalizing my relationship with God daily. I have moments when I will just sit in silence and wait for him to speak. One of the staff, Jeff, made a great suggestion last week during bible study. He suggested that during a quiet time with God, use your imagination to bring you to a place where you can have a face to face conversation with Jesus. Whether you have a conversation with Him over coffee in a local coffee shop with small talk happening in the background or in the Swiss Alps surrounded by pure white snow, Jesus will meet with you there.
During my conversations, he's been constantly telling me he is proud of me. He understands what I left to get here in Australia but this is where he wants me to be. I don't want to have to wait a month into my DTS to acknowledge this. I know without doubt that God has placed me here, at this specific time, with these specific people to cultivate a culture of holiness in a dark and desolate time.
Life Application
"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." ~Psalm 29:11~
When we had Simon Smith teaching last week about the character and nature of God, he gave us many names for God. The one that has been sticking with me is Jehovah Shalom. I'm excited to spend more and more time in quiet time with God. I know that a culture of peace is something that this world needs. Jesus has more than enough and he just needs us to demonstrate and spread His peace. I'm ready for God to purify me and use me as a tool to spread this peace he has given me.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
First Week
First off, I have never had a blog before but I think it is going to be very important to keep one updated for my personal reflection and to the benefit of those that wish to follow what God is doing in my life. These upcoming sixth months are going to be a crazy and amazing journey with the Lord. I'm only one week in and God is already starting to show himself personally as well as in the community.
This past week we've been discussing the character of God. We had a speaker, Simon Smith, come in and go through the different aspects of God's character. From Jehovah Shalom (peace) to Jehovah Jireh (provision), I've discovered that God has every characteristic that we desire in our own lives. The one that God is teaching me now is peace.
This whole week everyone has been getting the same word. Peace. Peace while we are here. The whole group has been burning for more worship, more teaching and more fellowship but God is telling a lot of us that we don't need to strive for it. All we need is to abide in him and find peace in his rest.
If anyone is following me on this blog while I pursue God in Australia, I ask that you keep me in your prayers and that God continues to show me the peace that only comes from him.
I'll try to update my blog as often as I can! I'm going use this blog as a kind of public journal so all of you can follow me where I go physically and spiritually.
God bless from Australia!
This past week we've been discussing the character of God. We had a speaker, Simon Smith, come in and go through the different aspects of God's character. From Jehovah Shalom (peace) to Jehovah Jireh (provision), I've discovered that God has every characteristic that we desire in our own lives. The one that God is teaching me now is peace.
This whole week everyone has been getting the same word. Peace. Peace while we are here. The whole group has been burning for more worship, more teaching and more fellowship but God is telling a lot of us that we don't need to strive for it. All we need is to abide in him and find peace in his rest.
If anyone is following me on this blog while I pursue God in Australia, I ask that you keep me in your prayers and that God continues to show me the peace that only comes from him.
I'll try to update my blog as often as I can! I'm going use this blog as a kind of public journal so all of you can follow me where I go physically and spiritually.
God bless from Australia!
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